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 Sandia "Mykonos" LTD Accelerator 

Work Summary:

 -Developed project software/hardware design requirements,

 -Served as lead developer/designer of data acquisition and process control application.

 -Delivered fully automated process control and data acquisition systems needed to support repetitive pulse generator on the LTD pulse power generator.

 -Application development was done using National Instrument LabVIEW, LabVIEW RealTime, Data logging and Supervisor Control (DSC).

 -Software design architecture implemented native LabVIEW Graphical Object Oriented Processing methodology.

 -Control of various process control equipment to include: valves, high-voltage power supplies (+/- 100kV), high-voltage relay control liquid flow control, pressure and temperature monitoring.

 -Control of complete data acquisition system to include: high-speed digitizers, precision trigger/timing systems, data analysis and presentation, etc.

 -Several process 'sub-systems' comprising nearly 190 analog and digital I/O channels distributed across multiple FieldPoint PAC controller/backplane nodes.

 -Wrote software design documents, test documents, and user manual.

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LTD System- General Layout

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LTD- PAC Control Hardware Cabinet

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LTD- User Interface Examples:

Oil Transfer System

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Load Water Resistivity System 

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